Introducing ‘Fapworthy,’ PornHub’s Site That Puts Upworthy Titles On Porn Clips

Have you ever wondered what an adult content site like PornHub might look like if all of its videos had more positive titles on them, as opposed to the more accurate and downright vulgar ones they have now? I haven’t, because my heart and eyes are pure and blessed by angels, so I don’t even know what PornHub is, but I’m told that it’s a place where a guy or gal can check out anything from two girls getting to know each other better to robots taking over the planet one orgasm at a time. But someone must have been wondering what would happen if PornHub and Upworthy got it on, because PornHub has answered with the hilariously ingenious Fapworthy (NSFW).

While I’m not sure if this is a new endeavor or something that has been around for a while, it’s new to me and most of the headlines on Fapworthy are downright hilarious. Granted, the nurse one does not take you to a video of a nurse, but I only know that because I heard one of the kids at school talking about it. Check out the rest of the headlines over at the NSFW Fapworthy, which then takes you to the extremely NSFW PornHub, but I’ve included my favorites below. And I don’t want to start any beef, but I don’t think Jenny Talia is a real person.

(Thanks to reader Jason for the tip.)