Friday Videos: Every Line of Lost Boys is ‘Michael’

Every Line of Dialogue in The Lost Boys is “Michael” from Dan Nixon on Vimeo.

I was going to call this post a Friday Free For All, my usual slot for awesome, non-movie-related video, but then I realized that both of today’s are movie related.  Do I get extra credit?  First, there’s the montage you see above, a surprisingly entertaining recut of Lost Boys in which every line is “Micheal.”  Holy hell do they say “Michael” a lot in that movie.  In fact, I bet they say “Michael” even more in Lost Boys than they do in Michael.  And that’s a shame, really.  But just when you’re all like, “Wait, are they seriously going to make a Lost Boys video with no reference to Greasy Sax Dude?”  BOOM!  There’s Greasy Sax Dude, honkin’ and a-thrustin’, all over your face!

After the jump, find out how the Jews make their matzoh.  (Spoiler alert: from the blood of Christian children! Duh!)

From Dan Hopper at BestWeekEver, who sent it over (I can’t imagine why he assumed I’d like it…):

With all the controversy surrounding Sarah Palin’s usage of the term “Blood Libel” — an unfortunate reference to the mythical practice of Jews taking Christian blood for their religious rituals — I think it’s time we heard from a dissenting opinion: Here’s a clip from an actual movie that aired on Arabic-Lebanese television in 2003 that shows us exactly how Jewish blood libel REALLY HAPPENS (Spoiler: it really doesn’t.)

This clip was part of a UN Council’s presentation on growing Anti-Semitism in the Arab media, and the full reel is soul-crushingly devastating. I found the dumb blood libel movie funny cause it’s so flagrantly stupid, but the rest of that video will make you legitimately worry for humanity, and I figured I’d provide the context so I’m not making light of the film’s implications.

Yeah, whatever, you know this is exactly what happens.  First they slit the throats of Christian children for their matzoh, then they make the manishewitz by fermenting money from loan interest. It’s true, I’ve seem ’em do it.