So The Super Mario Porn Actually Does Exist

The image at right is infamous on the Internet, but most people thought it was a Photoshop, or a joke, but it’s not.

It’s a publicity still. For a porno movie called “Super Hornio Brothers.” And although formerly rare, it has been found.

Yeah, the Something Awful goons did it. How’d you guess?

Anyway, this porn was obscure, as porn tapes from the ’80s tend to be since nobody thought they’d be collectible. And apparently the only thing keeping it from being thrown up on the Internet was…$300, to get it on eBay.

And amid all the selfish demands by starving children for food and Third World countries for medicines we get in our tap water, some soul saw the true meaning of the season and paid up for it.

It’s a Christmas miracle! If you’re creepy!