Cool Mom Jamie Lee Curtis Cosplayed At The ‘Warcraft’ Premiere

Warcraft opened today (our interview with director Duncan Jones is available here), and one surprising guest showed up to the film’s premiere in Los Angeles on Thursday. Jamie Lee Curtis isn’t in Warcraft, but she is a long-time gamer, once saying she “plays more Street Fighter than you will ever know” and giving a journalist a hard time for picking the wrong favorite Street Fighter character. When not endorsing some bifidus regularis, she’s also a cosplayer, dressing up as a gender-swapped Vega from Street Fighter to anonymously take her family to EVO 2015 to celebrate her son’s high school graduation.

Now the actress best known for Halloween, Trading Places, A Fish Called Wanda, yogurt, and that one scene in True Lies is cosplaying again, not because she’s obligated to do so to promote the movie, but just because she can. If you get invited to a movie premiere, may as well go all out.

And, of course, a LEEROY JENKINS:

Cool mom status maintained.

(Via VG24/7)