Cosmonaut Cat and Links

Facebook Fail-log: March Edition [Uproxx]

The Best Business Idea, The Worst Honeymoon, and Various Fools [UproxxNews]

A Guide to Recognizing Your Mascots: South Atlantic League [WithLeather]

All The Animal News That’s Fit To Print [UproxxNews]

Every single shot in ‘Dolphin Tale’ is PERFECT [Filmdrunk]

Corgi FridayAHHHHHH! [WarmingGlow]

KSK Mock Draft: Biopic Subjects [KSK]

“Only 22% of High Schoolers Want To Pay For Music.” Teenagers think they’re entitled to things?  Well knock me over with a feather. [TSS]

“Your Highness” review [Filmdrunk]

Jon Stewart’s farewell to Glenn Beck [WarmingGlow]

Which Twin Peaks Character are You? (Flowchart) [EgoTV]

Go Sarlacc On These Buyable Star Wars Cakes [UGO]

7 Movie Heroes Who Should’ve Died or Failed [CoedMag]

Mickey Mouse Accepts Breakdancing Challenge [Buzzfeed]

Lesbian Spider Queens of Mars Online Game [AdultSwim]

The ‘Phone’ – New Invention Could Make Texting Obsolete (narrated by Dana Gould) [Urlesque]

Adrian Pasdar and Milo Ventimiglia for Iron Man and Wolverine Anime Series (video) [G4TV]

Now this is how you deal with jerks who build scraper sites. [PZXC]

VIDEO BELOW: Caaaaaaaat iiiiiin spaaaaaaaace! (lottery advertisement) [via HYST]

[Pictures via Catasters and PleatedJeans]
