Five Games: ‘The Sims 4’ And Everything Else You Need To Play This Week

Consoles, PCs, handhelds, Facebook, smartphones — the world of gaming is becoming increasingly confusing and fragmented, but don’t worry, we’re here to simplify things for you. Each week I’ll rattle off five games I think you might want to check out this week. Keep in mind, these articles aren’t meant to be comprehensive lists of everything coming out that week so much as a nice rounded tasting menu. So, let’s get to it…

This Week’s Old-School Shooter

Velocity 2X (PS4 & PS Vita, Sept. 2nd)

Sony’s underrated little old-school shooter series returns with Velocity 2X. This time around you both fly about in a spaceship blowing things up and get out for some Metroid-esque on-foot shooting. Looks like some simple, fast-paced fun.

This Week’s Weird Sim

Recycle: Garbage Truck Simulator (PC, Sept. 2nd)

Yeeeeeah! Okay, admission time — when I was a kid I was pretty sure I was going to be a garbage man when I grew up. Eventually those dreams faded (somewhere in my early 20s I think) but they never completely disappeared. Well, thankfully Recycle: Garbage Truck Simulator exists so I can live out all my misguided childhood dreams. Here’s the game’s Steam page.

This Week’s Puzzle Game

Hexcells Infinite (PC, Mac & Linux, Sept. 1st)

The Hexcells games are essentially Minesweeper except made of hexes and, as we all know, hexes are innately better than squares. Hexcells Infinite delivers, I would assume, even more Hexcells fun — maybe even an infinite amount, but that seems unlikely. Here’s the game’s Steam page.

This Week’s Visual Novel Adventure Game

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (PS Vita, Sept. 2nd)

Based on their slightly indecipherable packaging, the Danganronpa games may seem to be shooters or, I dunno, some kind of rhythm games? In actuality, they’re adventure games that play like a mash-up of the Persona and Ace Attorney series. Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair looks to continue the Japanese madness.

Pick of the Week

The Sims 4 (PC, Sept. 2nd)

Get ready folks, it’s once again time to manage your Sims careers, love lives and bladders. The Sims 4 promises a greater range of over-the-top emotions, which will hopefully make up for the fact that you can no longer drown your Sim in the pool. Come on, don’t act like you haven’t wasted a significant portion of your life on this series

An okay week if you’ve never broken your Sims addition or own a PS Vita. Any games you’re itching to get your hands on that I failed to mention? Hit the comments and let the world know.