Hideo Kojima Got A Shout-Out In ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is full of Easter eggs and cameos, albeit the cameos are generally people in a dozen layers of latex or under Stormtrooper armor. But one in particular might have passed you by, a tribute to game designer Hideo Kojima. There are some minor spoilers below the jump, which we’ll space out with the Unipiper on a BB-8:

If you’re curious, it’s in the opening right after BB-8 witnesses Poe Dameron getting captured in the opening and his X-wing being destroyed. When the alien pops out of the sand as BB-8 rolls away, he says “Kojima!” according to the official Star Wars website.

This is a bit more than just a coincidence: Abrams and Kojima have met before to discuss video games and technology, and have a long history of being friends. That said, it’s a lot of fun to speculate what could be happening behind the scenes, especially since Lucasfilm has shown interest in reviving projects like 1313, the gritty third-person shooter set on Coruscant that Lucasfilm canceled just before Disney purchased the company. Kojima is a free man, after all, and although he’s hard at work on a project for Sony, he could certainly lend his time and expertise to other projects. But we’ll just have to see what comes along as Disney’s Star Wars plans unfold.

(Via Kotaku)

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