Man Somehow Eats Entire Denny’s Hobbit Menu Without Dying

So, a couple months ago we brought you the news that Bilbo was taking a detour to goddamn Denny’s. Well, the promotion is still going on — yes, you still have a chance to eat ridiculously named quasi-food based on a so-so movie!

Jamie McDonald wasn’t about to let the world of Gandalf Gobble Melts and Lone-Lands Campfire Cookie Milk Shakes pass him by. Recently he sat down and devoured the entire 10-item Denny’s Hobbit menu in one sitting. You can check out video footage of his, uh, accomplishment, after the jump…

What’s with the sped up footage? Doesn’t this guy know everything Hobbit movie related needs to be stretched to its breaking point and beyond? This video needed to be in slow motion, with a 10-minute song and a few random Radagast the Brown scenes thrown in for good measure.

via io9