5 pieces of ’80s ‘X-Men’ canon we want to see In ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’

(CBR) Following in the footsteps of two of its predecessors, 2016′s “X-Men: Apocalypse” will be set in a decade that”s long past. “X-Men: First Class” brought the “60s to life, at least half of this summer”s “X-Men: Days of Future Past” will take place in the “70s, and Bryan Singer recently confirmed that the currently in pre-production sequel will take place in the 1980s.

Yep, the mutants will slip into Members Only jackets and use their powers to solve Rubik”s Cubes – that is, if there”s anything left of America following the possibly time-stream shattering events of “Days of Future Past.” The subtitle “Apocalypse” doesn”t make this version of the 1980s sound all that pleasant.

Still, longtime fans of the X-Men should welcome this setting with open arms, since it means that the film will be set during the decade that saw the X-Men claw their way to the top of the charts. Under Chris Claremont”s guidance and flanked by some of the best artists to ever put pencil to paper (John Byrne, Dave Cockrum, Paul Smith, John Romita Jr. Marc Silvestri, and Jim Lee just to name a few), the X-Men hit epic heights that few comic book properties ever hit. If any “80s ideas are going to make their way to the big screen, we really hope its one – or all – of these.