DragonBall Z to Mass Effect 3: Mind-blowing cosplay from DragonCon 2015

Most people spend their Labor Day weekend enjoying that last gasp of summer. They congregate around lakes and BBQ pits, determined to wring out every last sun-dappled drop of fun. But if you”re a geek? Labor Day means you”re headed to Atlanta, GA on pilgrimage to DragonCon. From horror and steampunk to superheroes and video games, DragonCon has something for everyone.

Including cosplay. Glorious, insanely detailed cosplay. Disney Princesses and giant cardboard LEGO men. People on stilts and people in body paint. Fans of every stripe dress in elaborate cosplay to preen amongst their peers and gawk at the crafting skill on display.

HitFix Harpy already posted the best of Day One earlier. But that was only the tip of the iceberg. You couldn”t shake a stick converted into a magic wand without smacking at least half a dozen people in intricate hand-made masterworks of fan love.

After the jump, check out some of the best cosplay DragonCon 2015 had to offer!