Exclusive: Get an early look inside the pages of JUGHEAD #4

This February, get inside the strange mind of Archie”s best friend in JUGHEAD #4. When Riverdale High is taken over by an evil force – maybe – only a pirate(!) can save the day.

From the official press release:

Riverdale High has been taken over by a nefarious outside force! Or has it? It”s up to Jughead and Dilton to get proof, but can the mysterious Captain Slackbeard show the way? It”s adventure on the high seas and in the classroom for the gang! Yar!

With the release date on the horizon, writer Chip Zdarsky was able to talk about how weird Archie has been letting him get with JUGHEAD:

“This issue is bonkers! There's a heist, some sci-fi, and Erica doing an N.C. Wyeth inspired pirate fantasy! If you only buy one comic this month you should really consider buying more cause there's a lot of good stuff on the stands these days, but in the meantime THIS is the book for you!”

Waaaay back in October, HitFix Harpy exclusively unveiled the solicits and covers for JUGHEAD #4. And now we”ve got your first early look inside the pages of Jughead”s pirate adventure. Be sure to check them out below!