Now streaming: James Bond’s most insane moment

Hulu is gifting us with a well-tailored treat: a mammoth James Bond collection. You can watch a slew of classics today, including perhaps the single nuttiest moment I've ever seen in an action movie.

Did you guess it, Flemheads? It's from “The Man with the Golden Gun,” and it involves a harrowing, strange, downright silly car jump.

Just. Can you believe it? Even now? It wouldn't be so hilarious if it weren't for the sound effect, which makes you feel like you're watching hokey slapstick.

It's actually refreshing in that way. Sometimes I forget there was a time when James Bond embraced silliness and admitted that explosive capers can and should be a little ridiculous. Smile, Daniel Craig. Guns and suits and cars and moonraking are fun. And funny.