12 Of The Most GIF-Able Moments From The 2014 Golden Globes

While only time will tell which part of the 2014 Golden Globes will go down in Hollywood history – will it be Jacqueline Bisset’s stunned speech or Diane Keaton’s insanely creepy singing of a children’s song? – we can already pinpoint which GIFS will be showing up as social media reactions for the next decade.

#1: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler give great 80s soap opera camera switch.


#2: Everything about Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow’s body language screams, “I secretly loathe everything about you but we will put on the least convincing front ever.”


When the cameras are rolling on a live event that shoves all of Hollywood into a room with alcohol and frenemies, we all benefit. See the rest of the most GIF-able moments of the night after the jump!