Once you notice this about ‘The Walking Dead’ zombies, you can’t unsee it

The problem with filming a show about the zombie apocalypse is that – to our knowledge – we are not currently LIVING in one. This reality has led to all kinds of wacky shenanigans on “The Walking Dead,” like driving cars that shouldn”t exist yet because the timelines don”t match up. Or lawns being tidy because humans still live/work there when the cameras aren”t rolling.

But for the most part, “The Walking Dead” has done a good job of making their universe feel lived in. Like everything would be either grimy or sticky if you touched it. This is particularly true of the walkers. Say what you will about the hot-and-cold plot developments, the visual effects have continued to impress each year. As the undead deteriorate, the effects department keeps pushing the envelope on how gross they can get. So it took me by surprise when I noticed the walkers reaching for Spencer Monroe on AMC”s website had immaculate hands. Just…flawless.

Surely it was a fluke? But no. An exhaustive search of every single official episode photo from the last six years confirmed: zombies are really picky about hand hygiene. Once you see it, you can”t unsee it.