‘Supergirl’ is the optimism of hope wrapped in a female-empowered candy-colored cape

The television division of DC Entertainment appears to have knocked it out of the park again!

 With the executive producers/writers of “The Flash” and “Arrow” at the wheel, “Supergirl” might be on a different network but it has the same style. Bonus: It also looks poised to wash away the dreary sepia-tones of “Man of Steel” and insert some much need heroic optimism into the the superhero genre.

I'll be honest. About halfway through this trailer I began to get those hot, happy tears in the back of my eyes that usually show up at weddings and “Star Wars” trailers. Melissa Benoist has accurately captured the exuberance and desire to be a hero that is Kara. Calista Flockhart's fantastic rebuttal to the use of the word “girl” coupled with the loving sister dynamic went a long way to assuaging my fears that somehow Supergirl would be the lone woman in a man's world.

When I first booted up the trailer I thought “Six and a half minutes? That's way too long.” By the end, I was craving more. If the trailer is any indication, we're about to see an explosion of young girls tying on bathroom towels and saving their stuffed animals from fiery plane crashes.

“Supergirl” will be air Mondays on 8/7c on CBS this fall.