The definitive ranking of waaaaay too many Star Wars posters

Star Wars has been delighting and disappointing audiences for almost 40 years. In that time it has grown from a little known cult classic* into a world-wide phenomenon with no equal. From television to toys to becoming a recognized religion in England, Star Wars has etched itself into humanity”s collective consciousness.

*UPDATE 10/18/15: No one at 20th Century Fox – or even George Lucas – thought they had a hit on their hands. The first week the film grossed less than $500k but by the next week it had exploded. Poor wordage aside, “Star Wars” was not anticipated to take over the world…until it did.

But every Empire starts in one place: with successful propaganda. To celebrate the release of the poster for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, take a journey down memory lane into the vault of Posters-Past.

From the very first announcement that “Star Wars” was coming to a theater near you to the 1997 re-releases to the latest “The Force Awakens” reveal and beyond, HitFix Harpy has definitively ranked 20 posters that entice viewers to visit a galaxy far, far away.

*Completely subjective.