George W. Bush Has Absolutely No Confidence In Kanye West’s Presidential Dreams

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Former President George W. Bush isn’t known for being America’s best president, but even the dude who sometimes can’t put together the words to form a sentence doesn’t think Kanye West should be running America. Is that because, as West famously said, Bush hates black people? We’ll probably never know. What we do know, however, is that Bush thinks the idea of West moving into the white house (North, Kim K., and new baby in tow) in 2020 is laughable.

TMZ just posted a clip of the politician signing autographs in D.C. on Thursday night. “Mr. President,” one paparazzo asks, “your thoughts on Kanye West running for president?”

Bush’s reply: “Hah!”

Guess that’s one guy the superstar artist won’t be asking to endorse him during the next election.

(Via TMZ)