The State Department Reopens The Investigation Into Clinton’s Private Email Server

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While things may have been looking up for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton lately, that moment was quite short-lived. Despite the FBI suggestion that while Clinton’s decision to use a personal email server was “careless” and no charges should be filed, the State Department announced Thursday that it is reopening the case for further investigation. According to The Associated Press:

Although the former secretary of state’s closest confidants have left the agency, they could still face punishment. The most serious is the loss of security clearances, which could complicate her aides’ hopes of securing top positions on her national security team if she becomes president.

The probe was suspended in April in order to not interfere with the FBI investigation, but that suspension was lifted after the FBI declined to pursue criminal charges on Wednesday. State Department spokesman John Kirby was unwilling to put an end date on the reinvigorated investigation:

“We will aim to be as expeditious as possible, but we will not put artificial deadlines on the process,” Kirby said. “Our goal will be to be as transparent as possible about our results, while complying with our various legal obligations.”

While FBI Director James Comey’s insisted that Clinton not face criminal charges, the State Department will be digging into whether or not Clinton lied to the committee. According to Kirby, “there could be repercussions.”

(Via ABC News)