Watch Joe Biden Take The DNC Stage To The ‘Rocky’ Theme Song And Electrify The Crowd

On the third night of the Democratic convention, Joe Biden prematurely stole the evening with his eloquent speech, and as always, the current VP left his audience wanting more. Biden declined to run for president while grieving his son’s death from cancer, but he has wholeheartedly supported Hillary Clinton throughout her campaign. Biden possesses quite a talent for delivering emotional orations while never crossing the line into maudlin territory, and he’s also folksy enough to shout, “bunch of malarkey!” while speaking about Donald Trump and get away with it. If there’s any singular convention speech that could help push Clinton over the top, Biden delivered it tonight.

Here’s the wonderful “malarkey” moment, which will live on for posterity.

Biden arrived on the stage to the Rocky theme song for what could be the last time he addressed an audience of this magnitude. He spoke of President Obama as “a man of character,” and he turned his attentions to the First Lady: “Michelle, I don’t know where you are kid, but you are incredible … Barack and I married way up.” Biden thanked the Obamas for the past eight years, and then he looked to the future.

The electrified VP addressed Clinton in his own way: “Everybody knows she’s smart, everyone knows she’s tough. But I know what she’s passionate about. I know Hillary!” He then lowered his voice, and the entire room grew quiet in anticipation. Biden told the audience how “times are too uncertain” to allow for a President Trump, whose alienating rhetoric would make the world unsafe. And when Biden took his voice to the shoutiest octave, the audience responded in kind. His speech rebutted Trump’s negative RNC talk and argued how the “unbreakable spirit of America” is already great.

You can watch the opening moments of Biden’s speech below, and the full speech appears underneath.