Sean Spicer Outlandishly Tries To Argue That Hillary Clinton’s Russia Ties Are More Shady Than Trump’s

Sean Spicer’s Friday press briefing brought some extra angst to the table as the investigation into Trump-Russia ties grows ever more dramatic. Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn tried on Thursday night to score immunity for his testimony. Yet the offer was rejected by the Senate as Trump backed his bad hire, and the Internet refused to forget Flynn’s previous words on immunity from last year when he dragged a Clinton aide. And since all Trump associates may be obliged to drag Hillary whenever possible, Spicer chose to bizarrely claim that the former Democratic nominee’s ties to Russia are so much worse than those of Trump.

While responding to a challenge by the New York Times‘ Glenn Thrush, Spicer outlandishly claimed that Trump is “only” connected to Russia because “multiple years ago, he held a pageant there” and maybe some real estate changed hands. Whereas — and this is kind of amazing — Spicer tried to prove that Hillary is irrevocably tied to Russia by repeating a false claim made by Trump about Clinton supposedly arranging to sell one fifth of America’s uranium to Russia. The story has already been debunked by Politico, but Spicer still tucked it away into his cache of alternative facts.

Spicer also listed paid speeches (by Bill Clinton) as a big reason that Hillary’s ties are “much more extensive” than Trump, who’s the subject of an entire Russia dossier, which has been been at least partially substantiated with U.S. intelligence still digging away. At this point, it’s almost a fruitless endeavor to keep up with Spicer’s lies, but some Americans will undoubtedly believe him. However, former Press Secretary (to Bill Clinton) Angel Ureña talked back to Spicer on Twitter: “Is that all you got, @PressSec? Pathetic.”