GOP Rep. Steve King: Undocumented Immigrant Minors Should ‘Live In The Shadows’

Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King has already made unfavorable headlines this year first with an awful, KKK-approved tweet about Muslim babies — which he vehemently stood by, referring to himself as a “champion of Western civilization” — and later by suggesting that the United States cut food stamps and Planned Parenthood to pay for Trump’s border wall. Unsurprisingly, King was in favor of the White House’s controversial decision to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and his latest remarks on the subject are not going to win him very many popularity contests.

While speaking to MSNBC Wednesday, King remarked of undocumented immigrant minors, “They came here to live in the shadows, and we’re not denying them that opportunity to live in the shadows.” When called on that questionable statement, King replied, “I’m saying they should make up their own mind.”

King’s remarks echoed his sentiments in a separate CNN interview Wednesday, in which he referred to DACA as an unconstitutional amnesty, instead of more accurately, protection from deportation. “Live in the shadows and if you get crossways with the law, then the law requires they be placed in criminal proceedings and go home,” King said. “I think there’s justice there, but we need to provide justice.”

Congress has been given a six-month deadline to find a solution for protecting DACA recipients from deportation, however King predictably doesn’t feel as though Congress should act on it.

(Via CNN)