‘Hannibal’ producers tease Francis Dolarhyde, disfigurement & more for season 3

“Hannibal” showrunner Bryan Fuller was much more open with information at the show’s Comic-Con panel, revealing that season 3 would jump ahead a year, eschew the Killer of the Week format, and introduce other Thomas Harris characters like Murasaki and Francis Dolarhyde. So when I got a chance the next day to sit down with Fuller, lead director David Slade and longtime Hannibal Lecter movie/TV producer Martha DeLaurentiis, I didn’t have to spend a lot of time probing for information, and could instead go a little deeper on some of those revelations, like how Fuller intends to structure the story of Dolarhyde (the chief villain of “Red Dragon,” the novel that introduced Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham), how Slade shot the chilling closing sequence of season 2, how the survivors of that bloody evening might look in season 3, and more.