Programming note: Upfront Week is here

Welcome to Upfront Week, boys and girls. The network upfronts unofficially began last night when NBC did their press conference call because they’re sharing Monday with Fox, and I’m going to be incredibly busy between today and Thursday attending the various upfront presentations, doing press calls, etc.

And that, unfortunately, means that some of the usual business of the blog – i.e., all the reviewing – is going to be put on hold this week. I’ll have reviews of everything I’ve seen in advance (i.e., “Chuck” and “United States of Tara” tonight, “Justified” tomorrow, etc.), but other than “Lost,” I don’t know how much I’ll be able to write about new episodes that I’ll have to catch live from tonight through Wednesday night. So “HIMYM” and “Parenthood” may have to take the week off, for instance. If I get to watch them, I’ll do quick, “What did you think?” posts, but that’s about the best I can do, unfortunately. Upfront Week comes at a really lousy time for anyone who wants to watch TV in addition to covering the news about the business, and sacrifices need to be made.

Off for the NBC/Fox double-header (and will write up my analysis of Fox’s schedule sometime in mid-afternoon), and I’ll have a review of the season’s penultimate “Chuck” at 9.