What’s Alan being watched on: More ‘The Revolution Was Televised’ link-blogging

My largely improvised book tour for “The Revolution Was Televised: The Cops, Crooks, Slingers and Slayers Who Changed TV Drama Forever” made its first stop on television this morning, as I was a guest for a segment on CNN’s “Starting Point with Soledad O’Brien.” A good time was had by all (one of the panelists even wanted to continue the discussion during the commercial break), and it also provided me with an excuse to finally learn how to tie a half-Windsor knot. (My dad taught me the four-in-hand, and that’s more or less where my tie education stopped.) If you want to see me in moving picture form, here I am: 

Meanwhile, I’m going to be on Dallas’s The Ticket sportsradio station today at 2:15 p.m. Eastern to talk with hosts Bob Sturm and Dan McDowell. You can listen live at The Ticket’s website or with the iheartradio app. And here are some other recent review and interview links of note. As always, you can find these links and lots more info about the book at AlanSepinwall.com

* I made the Must List in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly.

* I did another live-chat, this time at my old NJ.com stomping grounds.

* I appeared on KPCC Southern California Public Radio with Alex Cohen.

* Jeff Simon of The Buffalo News wrote a very complimentary review of the book.

* Amy Edelman at IndieReader.com interviewed me about my decision to self-publish.

* I was a guest on the Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin Show podcast. A good, long conversation.

* I was a guest on the Downtown with Rich Kimball show on Maine radio.

Once again, if you have any questions or thoughts on the book, feel free to drop them in the comments or email me at sepinwall@hitfix.com