And Now, The Most Ridiculously Lucky Pass In The History Of Football

This play wouldn’t be more unbelievable if we found out a bunch of angels had been interfering and the ghost of Christopher Lloyd had personally lobbed the ball into the endzone.

It took place during a game between Gehlen Catholic and North Union in LeMars, IA. Gehlen’s going for two and the QB scrambles, but can’t find an open man. He gets tackled and driven out of bounds. Before he goes, though, he manages to get rid of the ball and hurl it backwards over his head … and right into the arms of a waiting receiver. No amount of me explaining it will do it justice, so check it out for yourself:

Here it is in magical GIF form, courtesy of our friends at The Nosebleeds.

(click here to make it animate)

Stop playing football immediately, son. You’ve done all you can do.