R.I.P. Elwood, The 2007 World’s Ugliest Dog

One of the world’s greatest champions of both competition and equality passed away on Thanksgiving morning, as Karen Quigley confirmed to NBC New York that her beloved Chinese crested and Chihuahua mix Elwood has moved on to the great farm in the sky. Elwood rose to fame in 2007, when he was named the winner of the World’s Ugliest Dog competition for his hilarious appearance that included the oversized tongue and that little Gremlins-esque poof of hair. But like most so-called ugly winners of this tongue-in-cheek competition, Elwood was beautiful far beyond his squinted eyes and scraggly pooch whiskers.

Quigley purchased Elwood when he was nine months old, as the breeder was going to put him down because nobody would buy such an ugly puppy. Eventually, Elwood would win his prestigious title and go on to be the spokesdog for charities that raised money and awareness for animal rescue groups. He was even the star of the children’s book “Everyone Loves Elwood,” which teaches kids that everyone is beautiful on the inside. Hey, maybe that’s why Miley Cyrus is always walking around with her tongue out.

You will be missed, Elwood. May your tummy be forever rubbed by the angels.

(Photos via Getty, H/T to Gawker)