A Sleepy Fox Snuck Onto A Canadian Bus And Proceeded To Take The Most Precious Nap

On most forms of public transportation here in New York City, it’s not all that uncommon to find a person catching a wink or two. I probably wouldn’t mind if said snoozer didn’t smell like urine and feces. I definitely wouldn’t mind if it looked anything like the precious fox found napping on an Ottawa bus this morning. More like Ott-awwww-a.

An OC Transpo employee made the cute discovery at a bus parking garage on Industrial Avenue in Ottawa’s east end on Sunday morning.

The bus was parked in the garage for regular maintenance, and the fox got inside through the door of the bus, which had been left open.

The employee took a photo of the sleeping fox, and CBC reporter Stu Mills later obtained the photo and tweeted it out. Within minutes, it had been re-tweeted hundreds of times.

According to OC Transpo, the fox later left on his own, presumably to return to the studio with Ylvis the forest to do whatever foxy things foxes typically do in Canada.

Via CBC News