Sarah Michelle Gellar’s ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’ Instagram Will Make You Feel Old And Nostalgic

Buffy The Vampire Slayer is one of the all time greatest cult shows, and while it established Joss Whedon as a geek god, a lot of the credit has to go to Sarah Michelle Gellar for bringing the titular heroine to life. Between the witty Whedon banter, acrobatic fight scenes, and the moments that had viewers sobbing into their pillows, Gellar brought it every single time. It was easily her greatest role, and made her a sci-fi icon for the ages.

While the show bears the trappings of a ’90s classic in every frame (the leather pants! Xander’s shirts!), it’s easy to forget that the show is nearly two decades old. Yep, tonight marks the 19th anniversary of the show’s premiere. To commemorate the occasion, Gellar posted a sweet tribute on Instagram, saying:

19 years ago tonight, I got to introduce you to #buffyannesummers (and #mrpointy too) thank you for taking the incredible journey with me and continuing still. I am and forever will be #grateful

While that reminder may make you feel a bit old, it’s a great reminder that the show has held up remarkably well over the years, and that you’re probably due for a rewatch.

(Via Sarah Michelle Gellar’s Instagram)