Here’s The Trailer To ‘House Party 5’ Because F*ck Your Childhood

Hey, remember House Party and how it was a cult classic? Remember doing the famous kick dance and simply calling it “the Kid and Play?” Well, Warner Brothers has pulled its pants down and dropped a lovely flat-topped deuce on your memories.

About two decades since the last House Party movie, here’s the fifth installment starring two douche-y looking kids. Let’s talk about this trailer, why don’t we.

A few quick points:

— I think that’s the young lady from Thunderstruck. Which means she has the worst IMDB page ever.

— “A record exec could be here and we would never know”…oh, I don’t know try the 40-year-old guy in the business suit.

— Oh, great, there’s Kid and Play actually cosigning this movie. What happens to a dream deferred? Wait, is it me or did Play MESS UP HIS LINE IN THE TRAILER?! DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?

— Christopher Martin aka Play, just turned 51. You’re old as sh*t.

Pic via Facebook