Democratic Congressman Suggests Sexting As A Way To Organize Voters

It’s always rather cute when old people attempt to understand technology and the Internet. God bless ’em because they are hard concepts to grasp sometimes. (My mom calls it “The Twitter” , my dad thinks Google IS the Internet, and my uncle believes his e-mails physically live on his Dell desktop, as opposed to, you know, “the web.”)

One Democratic congressman, 74-year-old Rep. James Clyburn from South Carolina, recently spoke about voters and how to best organize them, saying that we ought to “use the tools that we have.” One of those modern-day communication tools that he kinda/sorta/vaguely understands?

“We can…uhh…text — what do you call it? Sexting! Let’s do some voting…uhh…organizing over the Internet.”

I doubt that sexting will help increase voter turnout or help bills get passed in Congress, but I do know that people would be more inclined to read a steamy text than a wrinkly pamphlet that’s been left on their doorstep.

Via Gawker