This Man Created A Parody Doritos Account And Just Owned Every Homophobe Threatening To Boycott ‘Gay Chips’

Remember when Target decided to go gender-neutral in the toys and bedding department? Remember all the backlash the company received from angry customers who were certain that now boys and girls would not be able to tell each other apart and threatened to boycott the business? Remember the guy who trolled them all? Well, now he’s done it again, but with customers who were upset about those gosh-darned rainbow Doritos.

The rainbow-colored chips, by the way, are a partnership between Doritos and Dan Savage’s It Gets Better Project, which is all about giving support to LGBT youth, who are at a higher risk for suicide due to society’s views of their sexual orientation. But that wasn’t okay for some people, who took to the snack’s Facebook page to complain about the gay agenda and let the company know that Doritos, like respect for others and support for equal rights, would not be allowed in their home. That’s where Mike Melgaard comes in. He created a fake Facebook account named Doritos ForHelp and cheerfully responded to many of the unhappy people who would never eat a Dorit (yes, this is the term for a singular chip) ever again as long as they lived or at least until next week when they found something else to rage against. (Also because the chips were only sold by mail and not in stores and were made in a limited run of 10,000.)

Here’s Melgaard’s response to a man who thinks that all gay people are child molesters:

And here’s his loving response to someone who must “exercise the boldness to be themselves” and refuse to suffer a dorit to pass through their lips (even if it is Cool Ranch flavor).

Here he is dropping some knowledge on the fact that Facebook is gay-friendly (not to mention lots of other companies this person might support):


This guy might need to get to a burn center. Stat!

The only real problem with the rainbow Doritos, which are all gone now, is the fact that they don’t look rainbow at all. Oh, and there’s the teensy matter of the chips not turning your poop into a glorious rainbow. That’s kind of disappointing. Maybe Doritos can help?

(Via The Huffington Post)