The Internet Had Predictably Strong Reactions To Bill Cosby’s Arrest Warrant

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Bill Cosby is finally going to be held accountable in a criminal case before a court of law for allegedly sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004. While Constand is only one of more than 50 accusers, for most of whom the statutes of limitations ran out long before they came forward, at least it’s something. As such, many are celebrating the former beloved TV dad’s arrest, some are coming to Cosby’s defense, and others are just lamenting that he wasn’t brought to justice sooner.

Either way, people had strong feelings about Cosby’s felony arrest — whether funny, sad, or angry — and here are a few reactions we’ve rounded up on Twitter.

And last but most certainly not least, Ann Coulter weighs in with a hot take being echoed by many conservatives on Twitter: