‘Constantine’ Is Dead And Will Not Be Returning For A Second Season

After NBC passed on picking up Constantine for a second season, Arrow‘s Stephen Amell took to Twitter to help get other networks interested in the series. Alas, the effort to find a suitable home for the Hellblazer-themed program didn’t work out.

Today, executive producer David Cerone announced on Twitter that the TV iteration of Constantine is officially dead:

His announcement of the show’s cancellation is included in what feels like a deeply emotional letter to the fans of the series and comics. Here’s a snippet:

I promised I’d share news when I had it — sadly, that news is not good. The cast and writers of Constantine are being released from their contracts. The studio tried to find a new home for the show, for which we’re forever grateful, but those efforts didn’t pan out. I’m sorry, I wasn’t provided any information on the attempts to sell the show elsewhere. All I can report is that the show is over.

I honestly gave the series a shot, but with the ever-growing selection of comic book TV series available, it felt like Constantine lacked any sense of levity to keep the show fun. Still, it’s a shame the program couldn’t fully find its legs. Hey, at least what we did get was better than the movie. Right?

(Via Twitter)