Vanessa Bayer Does A Pretty Great Impression Of Rachel From ‘Friends’

SNL cast member Vanessa Bayer appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live to promote Trainwreck, the new Judd Apatow movie she co-stars in. While she was there, she told him about the comedy tour the cast did as part of the run-up the premiere, and a bit she did about Friends. The main part of the bit featured her doing an impression of Jennifer Aniston as Rachel and, guys, Vanessa Bayer does a pretty good impression of Rachel. Like, really good. Exactly how useful this skill is today, 11 years after the show went off the air, I don’t know. Having a killer impression of Rachel from Friends in 2015 is a little like being the world’s greatest Snood player in 2015. But still! Good work is good work.

(Via Splitsider)