Check Out The Trailer For Bryan Cranston’s New Amazon Pilot, ‘Sneaky Pete’

Most people are aware of how Bryan Cranston enjoyed a lengthy and storied career before his Breaking Bad days, but the Walter White role will stick with him forever. Cranston doesn’t mind feeding the fan frenzy and dropping the mic for fun, but he’s ready to move on with his career.

Cranston’s new Amazon show, Sneaky Pete, is upon us. The former Walter White produces and appears in the trailer because the man knows his presence is appreciated. Giovanni Ribisi stars as a man who leaves prison and assumes his cellmate’s identity in order to avoid the mob. Sounds feasible if not altogether legit. The real attraction, however, is Margo Martindale. Viewers will follow her anywhere, and hopefully Cranston’s appearance won’t be fleeting.

Amazon will make the Sneaky Pete pilot available on August 7, so get those voting hands ready to click (if you enjoy, of course).

(Via Deadline)