‘The Flash’ Speeds Into Season Two In This Sizzle Reel

The Flash got off to a great start this season with Barry realizing he can’t push his friends away, and he also proved that Central City has absolutely no safety protocols for its nuclear reactors. So of course things go south fast in this sizzle reel as we meet the next Reverse Flash, Professor Zoom.

More or less, it’s setting up the arc of this season, which is villains from an alternate reality attacking Central City at the behest of Zoom. But there are some more tidbits floating around, courtesy of New York Comic Con. For starters, you can expect more Trickster: Mark Hamill’s been confirmed as coming back, and we’ll be seeing Gorilla Grodd and other rogues return, as well. It also reveals that we’ll be seeing another Arrow crossover, and that we’ll be meeting Hawkgirl before she turns up on Legends of Tomorrow.

The main question, of course, is who Zoom will turn out to be. But the trailer has a whole bunch of hints as to upcoming rogues, and probably the most fascinating bit is that Zoom’s “lightning” is blue to Barry’s yellow. We bring that up because the first teaser for this season featured Barry with… blue lightning. Considering the season premiere was all about Barry’s inability to deal with loss, and that they made a point of noting there’s a one-to-one match between the two universes, that’s an interesting choice.

(Via Comics Alliance and Bleeding Cool)