Let’s Liveblog Monday’s Geeky TV: ‘Gotham’ Brings In Vic Mackey

The Gotham sizzle reel is almost completely stuff from episodes we’ve already seen, but it ends with Michael Chiklis’ Nathaniel Barnes for a reason: Things are about to get even more convoluted and interesting on Gotham.

If you missed last week’s episode, a quick recap: Jerome and Barbara crashed a fancy event, Barbara tried to kill Leslie (again), Jerome tried to kill Bruce Wayne. They quickly learned the hard way that Alfred takes no crap from anybody who has a face in punching range, that Gordon cares far more about Leslie, and that the guy who sprung you from prison might just, in fact, be a backstabbing (well, throat-stabbing) douchebag.

This episode, aside from featuring Vic Mackey cleaning house, will also introduce Silver St. Cloud, an obscure Batman love interest, mostly because Bruce Wayne as a character wasn’t quite unbelievable enough, so now he needs girls chasing after him. Come on, no teenager who voluntarily wears cardigans has girls his age chasing after him.

As for what happens this week, it appears that Theo Galavan thinks he’s the Shadow, Gordon’s relationship with Penguin is about to get him in trouble, and also the Nygma plotline isn’t going anywhere. Ah well. The liveblog begins tonight at 8 p.m. EST. Join us, won’t you?