This ‘Pokemon’ Jazz Theme Song Cover Is Surprisingly Smooth And Awesome

We’ve all been there: deep in a gym battle with a particularly tough trainer and it’s taking all of your focus just to stay in the fight. Making matters even more difficult are the music and sound effects making things more stressful than necessary. Not to worry though, because a smooth jazz cover of the Pokémon theme song is here and it is glorious. Not only does the group turn one of the most classic kids’ show theme songs into a sophisticated musical number, but they also turned Pikachu’s signature phrase into a fun vocal detail in the bridge.

Consisting of vocalist Sara Niemietz, a jazz trio and Scott Bradlee, the group definitely found a new way for fans to tap into their love of the original series. This is the coolest thing to happen to the Pokémon franchise since Pikachu was transformed into a lady-Pika luchador for a new video game. Lose yourself in the music as you remember all the ways Ash and Misty foiled Team Rocket’s plans, or that one time that you finished all of Pokémon Yellow in a one day binge. Given all of the cool things Nintendo is rolling out in the next few years, including a theme park and a new game, this is the perfect way to let your inner child out a little bit and welcome Ash and the gang back into your life.

(via The Daily Dot)