Mark Hamill Has A Huge ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Secret

PC Gamer sat down with Mark Hamill on the set of video game Star Citizen (hence the mo-cap dots on his face). Of course, things quickly veered into a discussion of his iconic roles as Luke Skywalker and the Joker. Shortly before the 10-minute mark, he tells a funny story about landing the voice-acting role of the Joker. He didn’t think there was any chance he’d get the job, so it sounds like he just had fun with it:

“I said, ‘I’m going to go in there and make them really sorry they can’t hire me.’ So I was cocky as all get out, and driving away I’m thinking, ‘Ha, that’s the best Joker they’ll ever hear. Too bad they won’t be able to hire me.’ Two weeks later, my agent called and she said, ‘You got it.’ […] I said, ‘Oh no, I can’t do this. I mean, no matter what I come up with, it’s going to be a disappointment. Can’t you get me something a little lower profile? Clayface or whoever? Hugo Strange?'” (transcribed by UPROXX)

I know you probably came here for the Star Wars news, but come on. That story is awesome. Okay, back to Star Wars.

Later in the interview, Hamill talks about Star Wars: The Force Awakens and the original trilogy. His absence from marketing materials has been much speculated about, and J.J. Abrams has said his absence is “no accident.” So, what can Mark Hamill tell us? Not much, if he wants to get paid. There’s apparently a sizable cash payment coming his way for keeping a big secret, which he seems to be likening to a huge plot twist in The Empire Strikes Back.

“I have something coming out where there’s an amount of money that if it leaks because of me, I don’t get that payment. If I keep it a secret until the day it comes out, I get that payment. I’m good about keeping secrets. I’m proud of the fact that I knew a year and a half before anybody else that he was actually dad-Vader. I didn’t even tell Harrison, or my wife, because I thought it would be terrible if she said ‘you know what’ to a fan and it got out, because [Empire Strikes Back director] Irvin Kershner said ‘I know something, I’m going to tell you. George [Lucas] knows, I know and now I’m gonna tell you, and if it leaks, we’ll know it’s you,’ because the line originally was ‘You don’t know the truth, Obi Wan killed your father’ and he said ‘We’re going to take that line out and put in “I am your father.”‘ I thought, well first of all if Sir Alec Guinness is the real villain, that’s a pretty good twist in and of itself, but this is even better. I couldn’t believe it. I was so excited. It was a mind-boggling plot twist.” (transcribed by PC Gamer)

UPDATE: Hamill clarifies the cash incentive is related to Arkham Knight, not Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Original post continues below:

Disney is serious about stopping Star Wars spoilers, you guys. Luckily, Mark Hamill makes it clear he’s good at keeping secrets, whether it’s because he intentionally forgets some of the details — “I hate to admit I flunked a Star Wars trivia quiz, but I did,” he says earlier in the interview — or whether it’s because he just doesn’t want to get in trouble:

“When we saw the first screening [of Empire Strikes Back], Harrison [Ford] turned to me and said, ‘You never told me that.’ I said, ‘I know, but I would have gotten in trouble if I told you.’ And now it’s happening all over again. I’m not even authorized to tell you I’m in Episode VII.” (transcribed by Uproxx)

That phrase, “it’s happening all over again,” along with the cash payout makes us think Skywalker’s got a very major plot twist hidden under his robes. But he’s not foolish enough to spill any secrets from The House of Mouse. You don’t mess with Mickey. He has a lightsaber.

(Via PC Gamer)

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