Kimmy Schmidt Quotes For When You Need To Make The Most Of A Bad Situation

Who knew that a show about a woman who had been locked in a bomb shelter by a religious zealot could be so funny and uplifting? Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was admittedly a bit of a tough sell, but with Tina Fey‘s deft hand running the ship and Ellie Kemper’s earnest and delightful performance anchoring the show in that sweet spot of truth and comedy, Kimmy Schmidt became one of the best sitcom protagonists to come along in ages.

Kimmy’s best quality is her unrelenting optimism. Despite her time in Reverend Wayne Gary Wayne’s cult, Kimmy is still convinced that the world is a place worth giving a damn about. When you are faced with the unfortunate incidences that can derail your day (week, year, life…), channeling your inner Mole Woman just might get you through. If you can recall these quips in a pinch, your prospects might not look quite as bleak.

“Oh, I’m very normal. I’ve had everything normal happen to me.”

Everyone has a moment when they’re the strangest person in the room. There’s no way to avoid it. Whether you’ve completely misread the tone of the conversation or gotten a little too intense on game night. You may be up on your pop culture references, but you will definitely have to defend your normalcy from time to time.

“Hashbrown. No filter.”

While social media can be fun, it can also wear at your self-esteem. Look at all my friends!… having a party without me. Look at my cousin’s beautiful apartment!… that I could never afford. We don’t like it when our uglier, jealous side rears its ugly head, but sometimes it’s too strong to fight off. Remind yourself that these curated images aren’t real life, and that you’re better to tackle life head on. Hashbrown. No filter!

“Troll the respawn, Jeremy.”

Like Kimmy, you’ll mess up a romantic entanglement or two. Having a mantra to give yourself strength through the inevitable break up might help. Even if it’s seemingly gibberish, it never hurts to have a pep talk in your pocket on a rainy day.

“2090 called, Xan. You’re dead and you wasted your time on Earth.”

If there is anything that can be learned from Kimmy’s experiences, it’s to never take your time for granted. Plus, you should always be able to shut down little sh*ts who give you attitude with aplomb.

“Age doesn’t matter. You can die at any time.”

This is definitely not the advice that Titus was looking for. However, keeping it real is a good way to live your life. Being optimistic doesn’t mean coddling those around you, so a little tough love can go a long way. Your friends may not react well right off the bat, but ultimately a kick in the pants usually does a lot of good.

“I still believe the world is good. That bunnies are nice, and snakes are mean, and that one day Sandra Bullock will find someone who deserves her.”

Honestly, who doesn’t want America’s Sweetheart to find lasting love? It’s easy to get caught up in a cycle fueled by cynicism and black coffee, but letting a little faith in humanity break through the tough exterior won’t be the end of the world. If anything, it’s comforting to remember that even Sandra Bullock has to deal with the bulls*t of the world too.

“Changing your outside isn’t going to fix what’s wrong inside!”

This may have come out in an unintelligible slur due to a local anesthetic on the show, but the sentiment still rings true. You can change your face, your clothes, or any number of superficial things, but that won’t fix you. How you deal with the things life throws at you is what really matters, so this nugget of drug-induced wisdom from Kimmy is a good one to remember when the haters get you down.

“Smile until you feel better. I call it Kimmying.”

Fake it ’til you make it is real. This could easily be misconstrued as being disingenuous, but it’s really just making the best of whatever situation that you’re in. You’ll probably find yourself in a situation where you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing and how you’ll make it through, but the cosmic joke is that no one else really knows what they’re doing either.

“Just take it ten seconds at a time. Everything will be ok.”

If Kimmy can be this optimistic after being locked in a bunker for 15 years, you can keep your cool when you’re stuck behind a couponer at the grocery store. You don’t have to tackle whatever mountain is in your life in one leap. A few baby steps at a time will make it all feel a little more manageable.

“Life beats you up. You can either curl up in a ball and die, or you can stand up and say ‘We’re different and you can’t break us.'”

Part of what Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt does so well is live up to its “nice” comedy label. Its characters aren’t cruel to themselves or others (except for the lecherous Mr. Voorhees), and sometimes that is a refreshing change of pace. If the writing hadn’t been as sharp and smart, Kimmy Schmidt could have devolved into a pile of sentimental goo. Instead, we’re reminded that kindness and individuality are nothing to scoff at.