This Hot Veterinarian Posing With Animals Is Turning The Entire Internet Into A Giant Thirst Trap

In 2015 hot bodyguards took over the internet and made it their own. But now that we’re almost in the second month of 2016, we need something new to satiate our deep thirst for Google searches that look like this: “hot+occupation.” Enter Dr. Evan Antin, a veterinarian (and probably next season’s The Bachelor), whose pictures are turning your Facebook into a pile of mushy good.

Buzzfeed reports that Antin, who was named People’s “Sexiest Beast Charmer” back in 2014, is so hot he is literally making people want to die. And even those people who can’t objectively appreciate Antin’s good looks (he’s a good-looking dude, all right?) can admire the fact that he doesn’t just take hot selfies of himself, but uses his Facebook and Instagram accounts to post pictures of him helping and partying with exotic animals all over the globe. (And yes, according to Buzzfeed, the good doctor is totally a former model/personal trainer.)

Check out this photo of him with some baby crocodiles:

And a giant tortoise, which could legitimately take off an arm if it retracts its head during examination:

We’ve got no idea what’s going on here, but whatever that animal is, it’s adorable and also just hella done with everyone:

So’s this guy:

Aren’t owls supposed to be angry despite the fact that they look like delicious s’mores sometimes?

Dr. Antin isn’t just here to show off, though. He also really wants you to know about the plight of baby elephants, which go through some horrible things in the tourism trade:

But he’s happy to pose with puppies and opossums too:

If baby animals (and maybe objectively hot dudes?) are your thing, you should definitely like Antin on Facebook and Instagram. Especially if you want to see dogs in costumes.

(Via Buzzfeed)