Let’s Liveblog Tuesday’s Geeky TV: ‘Flash’ And ‘Agent Carter’ Get Serious

It’s officially sweeps, and we all know what that means! Somebody will, supposedly, die! This Flash promo is saying that Iris gets the unkindest cut, but we’re guessing she’s not going to die at the hands of a second stringer like Tarpit. This isn’t Star Trek: The Next Generation, after all. That said, brace yourself for family drama, as Iris decides Wally’s drag racing hobby is a little too unsafe and she tries to talk him out of his dangerous hobby that likely impresses loose women. Come on, Iris, know when to fold ’em. We’ll see how it all comes together tonight at 8 p.m. EST on the CW.

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles:

You’d think, by now, HYDRA would just be straight out trying to kill Carter. It’s not like anything else scares her or even slows her down all that much. That said, this season has had a fascinating contrast between the openly bad-ass and strong Carter and Whitney Frost, a supergenius who uses ingrained sexism and acting talent to be the power behind the throne. This episode seems to be all about the line between the two, and it promises to be a fun watch. That said, more people need to tune in; this really is a genuinely great series that appears to be slipping off the radar. We’ll do our part at 9 p.m. EST on ABC. Join us, won’t you?