Let’s Talk Tuesday’s Geeky TV: ‘Agent Carter’ Has Two Episodes Tonight

Last episode on The Flash, we met Killer Frost, Deathstorm, and Reverb, the Starscream to Zoom’s Megatron, and just as quickly said goodbye to them since there was a heck of a body count. Now, to save Earth-1 Barry, Earth-2 Barry has to try not to be such a dweeb.

Yeah, the Flash is kind of screwed. Well, unless the mysterious man in the iron mask Zoom has locked up can help. Despite looking a lot like Diggle:

We’re betting that’s Earth-2 Wally West, aka “Kid Flash,” under that mask. We’ll find out tonight, starting at 8 p.m. EST on The CW.

Meanwhile, in yet another alternate reality:

On the one hand, having two episodes of Agent Carter, Marvel’s best show right now, is great. On the other hand, The Flash is doubling Carter’s ratings on a regular basis, and Hayley Atwell just got a job with a CSI/legal drama mashup called Conviction that sure makes it sound like next season we’ll see this ditched in favor of Marvel’s Most Wanted, which would basically be Agents of SHIELD but with way more Hunter. The good news is that they were always planning a few double episode nights, so this isn’t ABC burning through a contractual obligation.

That said, please don’t cancel Agent Carter, ABC. Or at least sell the rights to Netflix. Either way, we’ll have two episodes to enjoy tonight on ABC starting at 9p.m. Join us, won’t you?