Mark Hamill Jokes With ‘Star Wars’ Fans About Rumors Behind Rey’s Parents

Mark Hamill sat down for a chat at the Oxford Union and most of the discussion revolved around Star Wars. It’d be silly if he didn’t, although there’s likely a few Corvette Summer fans out there dying for acknowledgement. They’ll have to wait, of course. Hamill is dropping bombs about Star Wars.

During the chat, he talks a bit about his relationship in Episode VIII with Daisy Ridley and it turned into a bit of comedy — at least that’s what you have to hope:

Daisy is incredible, so genuine, appealing, lovable, she beams, she has a wonderful charisma – I adore her… She’s my daughter’s age – and that’s how I relate to her.

Hamill clarifies obviously, with plenty of hammmy quality, and all is well. He seems like the kind of guy who enjoys having a bit of fun with fans online.

You can check out the full interview from the Oxford Union below, currently queued to the moment mentioned above (35:00 if not). If anything, it’s Mark Hamill just having a chat for an hour. He’s that delightful and he’s rocking his awesome beard. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go watch The Guyver and pretend that movie is more popular than it actual is.