Neal Brennan Brings ‘Chappelle’s Show’ To ‘The Daily Show’ To Point Out Kim And Kanye Hypocrisy

Neal Brennan deserves a lot of praise for his current work on his 3 Mics stand up show and for his role in co-creating Chappelle’s Show with Dave Chappelle. So when he drops in on a show, especially The Daily Show, it’s worth taking a look. Tonight he shows up to seemingly continue the Trump parade that Trevor Noah started with the first segment, but he ends up making a case for Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

Specifically he’s there to call out the public for being a pack of hypocrites when it comes to the super couple, and saying the blame we put on their popularity seems to be misplaced. He talks a bit about Kanye’s Twitter rants and support for Bill Cosby, and then moves on to Kim Kardashian’s naked selfie. If Amy Schumer or Lena Dunham is a hero for stripping down, why isn’t Kim? And why is Kanye treated like a mad man when he goes off the rails a bit on Twitter? He’s not evil and according to Brennan, he’s behind the greatest moment in awards show history. Can’t deny that.

His talk about nudity is likely the most impressive part, even if he goes off the rails slightly by saying the Mona Lisa is famous for doing nothing. He’s clearly forgetting how Mona Lisa beat the hell out of Christopher Columbus and forced his hand at finding the new world. He had to find a way to get away from her.

Now go read a book.

(Via Comedy Central)

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