The Best Moments From The First Season Of ‘Angie Tribeca’

Now that the marathons are done, and the season is over, it’s time to look back on the best moments from Angie Tribeca. This is harder than it sounds, as the spoofing style of the show provides quite a few choices per episode, but we found these to be the cream of the slapstick-infused crop.

The Hidden Wire

On her first case with the new partner, Jay Geils, Tribeca goes undercover as a nude model. As you can imagine, this made the placement of a wire just a little tricky.

Tribeca Losing Sgt. Pepper

We learned the harrowing tale of how Tribeca lost her old partner (and partner), and why she had a fear of weddings. In the end, Tribeca faced those fears, in various ethnic traditions.

Ventriloquist Show

After a childhood of failure, Tribeca helped Giles realize his dream of being a ventriloquist. Apparently it doesn’t matter if the dummy is human.

Tribeca’s Art School Fling

Tribeca recalled her time in France as well as her romance with famed artist Carpaccio MacGuffin… in black and white of course.

Atkins and Bigfish Needs To Be A Show

Lt. Atkins briefly reminisced about his past with Comm. Bigfish, which brought up an important question: Why isn’t there a show chronicling Atkins and Bigfish doing cop stuff in ’70s outfits? I smell a prequel.

The Tranq Off

After confronting Frontbutt Fröntbüt at the casino over the ferret heist, Tribeca and Giles got dragged into a tranquilizer duel. Sleep was the big winner here.

Tribeca’s Quinceañera Rampage

Tribeca had to face the fact that she was due for a vacation. This didn’t happen until after she lost her “s” on an undercover quinceañera. It did lead to Tribeca meeting a man. Things went… well, not great.

Airplane! Homage

While the impossibly long hallway gag never gets old, the setting of the episode was a neat wink to one of the inspirations for Angie Tribeca.

The Chimney Heist

Oy, these wankers pretend like they’re chimney sweepers, yeah? But then they go and rob the banks instead. Bloody clever I’ll say.

R.I.P. Mr. Wilson

At the beginning of the season finale, young “Dennis” was at the gun range with his sling shot. Meanwhile, Wilson Philips spent most of the episode with Giles as his hostage. It never occurred that the two would cross paths, let alone have that exchange.

But with Wilson dead, there was no one knowledgeable enough to disassemble the bomb. Will Tribeca and Giles make it out alive?

I guess we’ll just have to find out next season.