Louis C.K. Decides To Quietly End ‘Horace And Pete’ Just As Quietly As He Introduced It

After ten episodes of quality, dramatic television — released on his web site — Louis C.K. has brought Horace And Pete to an end. In an email, C.K. announced that episode ten was the end of his experiment, noting that he was excited to have done it and didn’t want to spoil the episode by announcing it beforehand:

Hi. So. That was it. I didn’t want to say, in the last email, that it was the last episode. Because I didn’t want you to know, as you watched the episode, that it would be the last one. But yeah, obviously, That was it.

He also made sure to note that all of the episodes will be available to purchase on the website as a $31 package — the same price folks paid for each individual episode, so it’s fair. You have to admire this attempt and the passion behind it, despite the jokes and comments about it putting the comedian in debt. The rest of the email really shows how much it meant to him to produce and how he wants people to see the work that was put into it. It almost seems like he’s done everything backwards for this series by releasing it without fanfare, ending it with an equal lack of fanfare, and now apparently going to promote the hell out of it after it is finished:

I wanted to say it is a singular experience to have done this show and a very very sad thing to be done doing it. I loved telling that/those story(ies). I loved working in that (fake) bar with that crew for those ten weeks. It was a wicked high privilege to act with those actors…

I chose to do the show this way, knowing that it would be a quiet and strange experiment and that only a few of us would take part in this stage of it, that has just ended. The creating, unfolding and watching of the show, one episode at a time, from nothing. I am grateful to all of you that took this trip with me the way that you did, not knowing what you were getting, how much you were getting or how it would all feel. I was right there with you. I didn’t know how any of this would go or feel.

I’m grateful to the TV critics that got out in front and wrote so thoughtfully about the show and the experience. I enjoyed reading it. After we shot the last episode, the cast crew and I put real beer on the taps at Horace and Pete’s and we had a drink and we talked. I don’t think we’ll ever experience anything like that show again. I miss all of them.
So now the show is finished. It’s complete. Now I’ll go and tell the world about it, and ask them to come see what we made.

I’m excited because I’ve been dying to talk about it. It was so fun and so goddam weird, what I just went through. And it continues to be so. Sorry ahead of time for how annoying it will be to see me and hear me yammering about this show and promoting it, flying in the face of the whole idea of watching a show from nothing and seeing where it goes. But I want folks to see this show.

There’s likely plenty of people who decided they might wait until everything has been released to see the series, so maybe this is a genius move. Louis C.K. likely doesn’t care in that way, though. He wants people to see it and certainly didn’t set out to become a success. Like the show or not, it’s a noteworthy experiment in television.

Hopefully he sends the only DVD copy of the show to Joe Pesci to watch. Or VHS, which is what I assume Pesci still uses.

(Via Louis CK)

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