Eagles Of Death Metal Promote Their Bouncy House Business In This ‘Conan’ Clip

When you think of Eagles of Death Metal, what do you think of? Is it crazy rock and roll music? Well, then you’re wrong! As this video informs us, these days, Eagles of Death Metal are all about one thing: bouncy houses!

Just kidding! This video is what is called, in some circles, a “goof.” Eagles of Death Metal star as themselves in this weird little comedy bit from Conan, wherein it is presupposed that there is a company called Bouncy Houses of Eagles of Death Metal of Greater Los Angeles. The band appear to hawk their wares, and to convince people to rent their bouncy houses for their children’s birthday party.

It’s a pretty non-sequitur concept, but it is a rather funny video that helps to navigate the awkward waters of a band who just wants to rock after experiencing a unimaginable tragedy with a bit of humor. Beyond the concept of a band that has carefully cultivated a dirtbag aesthetic selling bouncy houses to kids, there’s some strong jokes in the video, and we also get to see the band briefly perform within a bouncy house as children throw stuff at them.

Just remember a couple simple facts. Bouncy Houses of Eagles of Death Metal of Greater Los Angeles do not allow llamas in their bouncy houses, and they do not rent trampolines. Don’t even waste their time asking for a trampoline, you creep.

(Via Conan)