Bill Simmons Convinced Colin Cowherd To Finally Apologize To John Wall

Colin Cowherd is known for having a lot of opinions, many of them under-considered and reactionary, but he’s had one particular axe to grind for years: John Wall did the Dougie dance before a game one time, and Cowherd blew it out into a massive hot take about lack of intelligence and leadership.

He’s trashed Wall a number of times, sometimes directly referencing that moment, and he’s been appropriately criticized for it. Somewhat surprisingly, he’s finally apologized for reducing a man’s entire life and personality to an early-career pregame ritual, and it was Bill Simmons of all people who chastised him into it.

Cowherd seems to have a Fonzie-like resistance to apologies because, even though he readily admits to backing down on John Wall’s perceived lack of maturity recently, it takes some heavy cajoling from Simmons to draw out the S-word.

Normally, we wouldn’t care at all about whether or not a hot take-dispenser like Cowherd apologizes for some of his word-vomit, but his war on Wall was particularly offensive because he trivialized the kind of struggle Wall went through in his childhood to get where he is now. Wall should be celebrated as an inspiration, because he’s a successful individual who gives back to the community and is respectful of people. He’s a particularly awful target for a man like Cowherd, and hopefully he won’t have to be any more.

Also of note is Simmons pointing out Wall sitting next to LeBron James’ manager Maverick Carter at the Cavs’ Game 2 win over the Hawks. “Conspiracy Bill” thinks that could mean something, and mentions a Kyrie-for-Wall swap if the Cavs underperform and somehow fail to make the Finals. It’s a fun thought, but we don’t see anything coming of it, especially if Kyrie can keep shooting like he’s been in these playoffs.