Details From This Week’s ‘Game Of Thrones’ Episode That You May Have Missed

It was another tumultuous episode of Game of Thrones, with a lot going on. Several plotlines are starting to converge in the Riverlands, while Arya’s situation with the Faceless Men has turned deadly serious. The Starks are finding out how hard it is to build an army in the face of terrible odds, and The Hound’s transformation to a peaceful man was cut short by the Brotherhood Without Banners.

Hidden in the background of several scenes were details we’re sure a lot of people missed. Here’s a couple of cool Easter eggs from “The Broken Man” we think you’ll appreciate.

A Familiar Face

Here’s Arya taking a closer look at a particular face in the Hall of Faces. Take a closer look at it.

Here’s the face as seen in the episode, and brightened so you can see her better.

It’s the same face used by the Waif to attack Arya. Does this point to Arya being really bad at this Faceless Men stuff? Or does it feed into a particular mind-blowing theory floating around the internet at the moment?

A Call For Help

So who was Sansa writing to at the end of the episode? An obvious guess would be Littlefinger, who still has the army of the Vale camped out at Moat Cailin. But if you wanted confirmation, the obsessive fans over at Reddit’s /r/GameofThrones did some CSI-style work to figure out exactly what Sansa wrote.


The visible text of the letter says “[…] to protect me. Now you have a chance to fulfill your promise. […] Knights of the Vale are under your command. Ride north for Winterfell. Lend us your aid and I shall see to it that you are [well/properly] rewarded.”

So Nice They Used ‘Em Twice

Wasn’t that a beautiful spot that Ray picked to build a church with his settlers (and The Hound)? The spot is supposed to represent the Riverlands, the same region where Jaime is fighting the Blackfish for control of Riverrun. But it looks a bit familiar…

It’s the same range of mountains they used to film Daenerys getting captured by the Dothraki in episode 10 of season five! For those thinking of a bit of Game of Thrones tourism, this is the Binevenagh Mountain, on the Antrim Plateau of Northern Ireland. That’s just the producers using the same region for two different scenes, so it won’t play into the plot at all. This next one though…

Uncovering The Truth

Here’s the camp for Jon Snow’s army. Davos had them settle here because it’s the same camp Stannis used, and Stannis knows how to pick a good, defendable spot! And it is indeed the same place Stannis kept his army.

Here’s a shot of Stannis and his army in the same spot back at the end of season five. It also happens to be the same camp where this happened…

Davos still doesn’t know what Melisandre did to Princess Shireen. It’s not going to be a pretty scene if he finds out!

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